The Nagra VPS is - at best - average. I had it in my System. Did you ever
opened it? There is nothing inside. The additional Phono Card is a joke.
Soundstage is limited, Sound is pale, far away from the real thing, in a
way: Boring.
Sorry. It is identical to the Phono inside their Preamp. I tried it with
o.25mV Miyabi, o.5mV Lyras, Coldfinger and some others. Sonically there
are M-U-C-H better Phonostages out there. The comparisons from
Mordante are ok, no matter what solution he will find, he listens, he
learns, his way is ok.
opened it? There is nothing inside. The additional Phono Card is a joke.
Soundstage is limited, Sound is pale, far away from the real thing, in a
way: Boring.
Sorry. It is identical to the Phono inside their Preamp. I tried it with
o.25mV Miyabi, o.5mV Lyras, Coldfinger and some others. Sonically there
are M-U-C-H better Phonostages out there. The comparisons from
Mordante are ok, no matter what solution he will find, he listens, he
learns, his way is ok.