Will Cosmetic Surgery Alter My Hearing?

I will soon have my "tea cup" ears ameliorated by a plastic surgeon, along with 3 other aspects of my countenance. As my date with the knife draws closer, I'm brooding a bit about what affects the altered earlobe placement will have on my aural enjoyment. Is the brain and/or ear's intricate mechanisms sensitive enough to discern such minute physical changes? Any enlightenment concerning this is appreciated.
I am no expert qualified to answer authoritatively (you know who to ask for that), but I would say yes, a simple physical experiment anyone can do with their own ears will easily show that any change in the shape or immediate environment of the outer ear will result in readily perceivable changes in apparent frequency response. The good news, I believe, is that the brain might well adjust over a fairly short period of time for this change, compensating internally to restore flat perceived response. Better not take my word for it, though...
There was an experiment where two researches made rubber moldings of the outside of their ears. They then traded ear castings with each other to see if they could still hear properly. At first, they cold not distinguish where sounds were coming from and had difficulty with detail. However, over time most of these problems completely disappeared. When they removed the castings, their normal hearing reappeared shortly thereafter.

Best wishes!

I would think so. The outer ear (the Pinna) not only gathers sound but it imprints directional information on all sounds picked up by the ear. So Brad's comment seems on the mark. Also, generally, as an object approaches the size of a particular wavelength it can effect it. 20kHz wavelenght is .0565 feet or 1 and 1/16 inch long. 15k is .0753'. Maybe this could have some effect too.

Your doing the opposite of cupping your ears to a lesser degree and you know what that does.

I remain,