Dyna XX-2 MKII vs. Lyra Kleos

I've been contemplating going from my Dyna XX-2 MKII to a Lyra Kleos on my VPI Classic 3. I dug through the archives, but mostly found comparisons between the Delos and Kleos. I would appreciate any insight from someone that has compared the two cartridges, or even if you have compared the Dyna XX-2 MKII to the Lyra Delos or Kleos. Of primary concern, is the bass response, will it be comparable, have the same impact as the Dyna XX-2 MKII? My phono stage is the Avid Pulsus, Amp - Music Reference RM-9 MK II and Wilson Sophia IIs.
Jmcgrogan2- That's what I thought. I was just trying to see what TT/arm you had. I think you made a great move on the XX-2 though. I have heard the 20X-L, and was very impressed. Especially at less than 1K. I sent you a PM as well. Cheers-Don
No, I actually bought the Jan Allaerts MC1 Boron used on Audiogon, it was actually a pleasant experience. I believe the new list price is more like S3,750, so quite a bit more than a Dyna XX2 MK II. You can get a lot better deal on the used market, but as you know, there is always a risk. Its been a month now, so I should probably re-install the Dyna and verify my initial impressions. Switch out that big block of gold for the Dyna black aluminum parallel sides.
Since I just re-installed my Dynavector XX-2 MKII, I thought I would resurrect this thread to see if anyone has made any comparisons of it with the Lyra.

I went from the XX2 Mk2 to the Kleos on my VPI HRX. I found that I preferred the kleos. While certainly no slouch, the Dyna was not a dynamic as the Kelos, nor as detailed. Where the two carts were very similar was in midrange and vocal timbres, and both were excellent. I wound up selling the dyna.
I currently use the Dyna XX2 Mk II on my Kuzma Stabi w/ 12" ref arm and Kleos on my Linn LP 12 w/ Ekos arm. Dyna is very layered and smooth. Kleos is detailed and dynamic, great bass. I am happy with both; They provide the just right change of pace w/o totally overshadowing each other. I know others might disagree; but I think the 12" Kuzma arm lets the Dyna play above its price and accounts for the smoothness and layering