At the end of Day: Each his own:- )Unfortunately a lot of Press Plants
closed in the 90's and most Know How is gone. Now only a few do it,
more or less good, but honestly, only a quality shadow from those
records we got in the 80's++. From my experience, most reissues are
horrible from quality, hardly a side which is completely silent. Acoustic
Sounds always made a good job, maybe a few others, too, but in general
these problems have nothing to do with the Playback System. I think,
sooner or later we will find cartridge designers who offer round needles
again, because they are not so sensitive (Lyra Kleos for example is made
for those). But this is like riding a dead horse...MP3 sound with vinyl
Reissues can't be better than an Original, this is technically not possible,
best what can be done is to get it as close as possible to the Original
one, but normally they are worse (you can hear it immediately in the
higher frequencies and in the tonal colors). Listening with a cheap
cartridge and Originals is better than with expensive carts + reissues. It
is a matter of experience....
closed in the 90's and most Know How is gone. Now only a few do it,
more or less good, but honestly, only a quality shadow from those
records we got in the 80's++. From my experience, most reissues are
horrible from quality, hardly a side which is completely silent. Acoustic
Sounds always made a good job, maybe a few others, too, but in general
these problems have nothing to do with the Playback System. I think,
sooner or later we will find cartridge designers who offer round needles
again, because they are not so sensitive (Lyra Kleos for example is made
for those). But this is like riding a dead horse...MP3 sound with vinyl
Reissues can't be better than an Original, this is technically not possible,
best what can be done is to get it as close as possible to the Original
one, but normally they are worse (you can hear it immediately in the
higher frequencies and in the tonal colors). Listening with a cheap
cartridge and Originals is better than with expensive carts + reissues. It
is a matter of experience....