Turntable Choices

Hi all, I'm looking to get a new (to me) turntable and these are my choices: Oracle Delphi MK2, VPI Traveler, VPI HW-19 MK3, and a Linn LP12. I'm leaning twords the Oracle but, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Thanks all for the replies. I found one more to add to the list, a Bluenote Piccolo with Villa Borghese Tonearm. From what little I've read it seems to be a pretty good rig.
I own a Vpi TNT but out of those three I would probably go for the Oracle. Maybe thats the one that got away for me. But make sure that the motor is good, thats their weak point.
I have owned a number of Oracle delphis over the years, and have never had a motor or power supply fail, so it thats the weak point, you have a pretty good table.
I would still opt for the Traveler- its got great reviews, its simple, it has an upgrade path, its new. If you have issues, you will be protected via warranty.
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