Here's an interesting test for those of you who
have belt drives, especially those with rubber belts like the VPI's.
Right, but this is based on VPI's ultra low quality. But you find that very
often with the stuff from other Manufacturers, too. Ever checked a Raven
belt? The word "Precision" you find mainly in their advertising
Try that with a Basis belt :-)
Or try a Timeline, it is a disaster for the majority of Manufacturers, they
aren't able to offer a proper motor, even when you can buy 3 of them.
Based on that inferior Design solutions I agree that a direct Drive can
give better results. But this is not based on its Design, it is based on the
low quality from the others even when they are very expensive. The
majority of owners believe that the offered product (whatever it is,
Tonearm, Cartridge, Speaker...) is simply perfect form the Design, the
Manufacturers and his cohorts are directly sent from God to bring joy to
everyone and it can be made better, maybe only with more money, but
they don't even think about the correctness of the Design itself. Or what
they really get for the money. Most learn by spending money, but even
that does not educate generally.