Mosin/Richardkrebs thank you for your excellent thoughts on this thread.
Mosin as just an amateur hobbyist myself, most of what you have said is in sync with what I have heard with my TTs the last few years. I agree that string drive could be a little fiddly, when trying to convert a belt design TT to thread/string. But I have found that on a string designed TT once the string technique is learned (there was a learning curve with mine), it was pretty much plug and play after that for me.
It was actually possible to recognize the music being played at the time on the scope. The speed sensor was measuring these tiny errors and correcting. This could be observed by watching the motor draw current in sync with the music. An amazing observation.
I find this simply incredible.
Are you able to tell us what turntables / tonearms /cartridges you used during this analysis/testing?