A distance for sure is important, I have been doing this very easily for a while now and if the table isn't close to a wall I just use 2 light rulers and tape them to the back of the table stand along with a pce of paper between the two with a pce of painters and a dark line on such so it's very easy to view between so it's under 2 ft
All the tables I have tested, no worry about waiting for 20 minutes either. Most failed within a few rotations even after using the TimeLine to actually try and set the speed accuratly. I found most tables were not capable to be set for accurate speed.
Using the strob, numerous tables that were used and then rechecked with the TimeLine proved the TimeLine is a more accurate devise and all these tables failed within 10 or so rotations either too slow or too fast and that was with no stylus even on the record.
This has really left me scratching my head.