very informative, thanks for taking the time to post.
I have learned first hand that specific tables I have either owned and/or have listened to don't meet even your number 1), not sure about the other two.
I do like what you wrote that tables need to;
1) have absolute speed stability under all load conditions.
2) have absolute dimensional stability between platter and arm support.
3) be absolutely still, with total immunity from external movement.
Can you or anyone else please provide a list of tables that actually meet and pass these requirements
very informative, thanks for taking the time to post.
I have learned first hand that specific tables I have either owned and/or have listened to don't meet even your number 1), not sure about the other two.
I do like what you wrote that tables need to;
1) have absolute speed stability under all load conditions.
2) have absolute dimensional stability between platter and arm support.
3) be absolutely still, with total immunity from external movement.
Can you or anyone else please provide a list of tables that actually meet and pass these requirements