Direct drive vs belt vs rim vs idler arm

Is one TT type inherently better than another? I see the rim drive VPI praised in the forum as well as the old idler arm. I've only experienced a direct drive Denon and a belt driven VPI Classic.
Mosin -
Absolutely right, I used mass loosely. I read somewhere the EMT idler has a platter of 5.5kg ( same weight as the copper mat on my deck ) but due to its weight distribution ( 16 & 1/2" platter ) is the equivalent of a 50kg solid platter. Although not as radical my TT has an inverted bearing with a substantial subplatter which is an inverted truncated cone (frustum), so most of the mass of the 20kg platter is between the inner and outer grooves & the thickness increases inside out ( and below the bearing point ). So yeah the effective mass of my TT platter is well in excess of 20kg.
Okay, let's go further. Do you think a special merry-go-round could be built for the little girl, so she could spin as many kids around as you can?

This goes to torque, and how one might approach building a turntable with a low torque motor, yet having mass applied so that performance would equal a turntable with a high torque motor.

I suppose the point here is that there are quite a few ways to skin the proverbial cat.
As 'stylus drag' must vary with the modulation of the grooves responding to the complexity and dynamics of the musical would not, I think, be a constant?
If you merely adjust your speed-controller to hold the Timeline constant with the cartridge would be interesting to see where the Timeline 'mark' would be at the end of a whole side of a powerful symphony such as The Royal Ballet, The Three Cornered Hat, Pines of Rome or Witches Brew?
Yes I agree, thats pretty much what I proposed for testing to quantify the variation between that minimum and maximum drag levels and the impact of a piece of music in total...I think you misread my syntax ( no pun intended ). ("how consistant" , ie I meant range of variation. )
I am wondering that every Turntable discussion is based on speed only. Like Dev wrote, it is the beginning and it is important. But is that all?
A little more knowledge should be available I think, we have the year 2013 now and serious High End has 5 digits or more and a lot of owners want to spend that money

- Quality and Influence from the Bearing
- Quality and Influence from the Chassis
- Quality and Influence from the Belt
- Quality and Influence from the Platter
- Influence from Suspension and how it was solved
- Why are some platters so heavy
- Direct Drive works with continuous correction, what is the sonic result
- Platter weight from DD and their sonic attributes
- Weight in general and why
- Is a polished frame good for sonics
- Idler Drive has direct contact to Platter and Spindle
- Advantages / Disadvantages
- Speed correction or not
- What material is used and is it stable over the years
- suspension for Idlers, necessary or not
- sonic results from contact motor to platter
- isolation from internal vibrations in general
- is reliability important or not
- do Fangroups replace knowledge
- are facts welcome or do they disturb dreaming
- why are no turntable manufacturers found in such discussions
- is analog the last resort for "I-do-what-I-want-and-who-cares-Design"
- what is a stable Design
- why can a unit change Performance when your wife opens the window
- what is sonic feedback

and so on and on