Well Tempered SIMPLEX or Rega RP6

Considering these two tables in the $1500-$2000 price range. I am already a fan of the Amadeus, and know it's sound well. I am hoping someone has an impression of how these two compare. Thanks !
I think you answered your own question. Knowing how good the Amadeus sounds should resolve the issue, IMHO. I have owned and heard Regas and I can't imagine that the RP6 could match the magic of a WT design.

Disclaimer: Rabid Amadeus owner.

Gotcha, and no doubt the Amadeus is quite special. I just thought since I have an Amadeus in my main system, maybe be a little more adventurous for my second system. I really like the looks, push-button speed setting, and cue lever on the RP6. Those ease of use features fall in to what I am looking for in a second system. However, its near time to pull the trigger, and I know best sound is #1 priority.