When buying through Agon a buyer should always-

contact the seller using the "Contact Seller" through the Agon system.

A member here on Agon had his Agon account hacked by an identity thief.

The thief posted a fraudulent ad using the Agon member's username and account information.

The thief also used his own email address in the ad to contact him with any questions. That was convenient of him....

The buyer is out $8,000 + dollars.

Always use the "Contact Seller" through the Agon system.

If you do not use Paypal to buy, make damn sure the seller is the real deal! You could be out $8,000 + bucks.

For those interested check out AA General forum.
Why is receiving a cert check or money order safer than PayPal? I thought that PayPal was safer....
Post removed 
I did read through the Paypal rules for sellers and I do now see why it might be better to receive a cert check/money order (assuming it is authentic of course). Paypal can actually withhold funds from the seller's Paypal account if the buyer complains for a number of reasons.