I agree about the visual look of a record spinning on a turntable. Sure the fidelity is what we most want but the look and such of the record on turntable set up has a coolness to it.
Tape is sorta similar, Reel to Reel machines also look cool as tapes turn, even cassettes look cool in a deck.
Funny thing about CD's is that many of the first gen models had windows to be able to see the CD spinning. Not just top loaders like many Philips models but most first gens had doors that opened like a cassette deck tape door and one dropped the CD in it then closed it. It allowed one to see a CD spinning from the front face of the unit. Though I never had a front loading CD player as such, I did have a Philips CD-101 top loader and thought the window looked cool. Too bad none are made as windowed front loaders today.