Basis 2500, 2800 or Debut - which would you use?

Hi fellow Audiogoners - I am giving serious consideration to acquiring either a Basis 2500, 2800 or Debut - which would you use and why? I look forward to your timely replies. Thanks very much.
....But I would buy it with a Phantom Arm instead of the Vector.
hello Syntax, could you please explain why you would prefer the Graham Phantom arm over the Basis Vector arm? I would like to understand your reasoning. Thank you.
Peterayer, I have had my 2200 on two surfaces, first, a maple butcher block on top of a target stand and now on top of an Arcici stand with air bladder technology. I cannot say I noticed a difference with the TT however, my electronics are better isolated on the floating shelves underneath and I have noticed a slight improvement.

When the 2200 was on the butcher block you could bang on the BBwith no audible or physical effect. So IMO, the resonate annihilators used for suspension on the 2200 is all I need for isolation.

BTW, you must have heard that system at Goodwins, heard it a few weeks also, quite nice!
Yes, I did hear it at Goodwins. I was shopping for cables and was treated to their big room with my LPs. It was very memorable.

I could also tap on my stand under my SME table with no audible effect, but the sound did improve when I put the 150 lb Vibraplane plus a 130lb piece of steel ballast under my table. It was like jumping up to a higher lever cartridge with the added low level resolution from the improved isolation.

I admit I have no experience with your 2200. Seems like a nice table. I like the looks of your room. I'm sure a dedicated sound room would do wonders for my system.
I had no idea an acoustically designed room could make such a difference. Good luck in your TT search - you have a very nice system.
Interesting comments made above. I heard a 2500 that had both a Phanton and a Vector arm on it. I liked the sound of both arms, though the table's owner and another friend very much preferred the sound of the Vector arm when using either a Transfiguration Orpheus or Lyra Titan cartridge. The Phantom arm combined with either cartridge sounded a bit less lively, but, I did not think it was quite that big a deal. This particular table was quite sensitive to footfall problems on suspended wooden floors and needed some kind of additional isolation.

I have never tried any other arm than a Vector 3 on my Debut vacuum table. I like the combination a lot. The sound is very weighty and solid, while not sounding dead or "dark." But, it is more in the high mass, well damped camp than the lightly sprung suspension camp (e.g., Michelle) so the sound may reasonably be characterized as less lively and punchy than such tables.