after TT upgrade, digital sounds like crap- help

I listen to mostly digital, and a bit of high quality 180g, 200g, etc vinyl. I upgraded my turntable, cartridge, and rack yesterday. I'm having a problem now in that my digital chain is sounding quite pale in comparison to some of my favorite vinyl. It's not sounding bad, just a bit cold, stale, hollow, etc in comparison. I'm not down with this at all.

I'm wondering if anyone may be able to suggest a method (maybe new piece of gear) to help fill out, warm up, etc my digital chain. The vinyl is just sounding wider, warmer, fuller. The stereo width difference on a lot of the stuff I listened to last night was quite dramatic.

My system is comprised of the following:

1. B&W 683's
2. McIntosh MA6300 (used as preamp, power amp, and phono stage)
3. Mac Mini and Sonos Connect running, Audirvana for hires, Spotify and MOG
4. Oppo BDP-105 (used as DAC for Mac Mini via USB and Sonos via coax)
5. Rega RP3 + Elys2
6. Audioquest cabling where it counts
You're saying that because it's new. So many people on here buy some new piece of gear and the next day pronounce it to be nirvana. A short time later, they're on here asking about the best IC or power cord or tweak to correct some sonic flaw and then they're selling their "beloved" whatever to go in some other direction. Personally, I would get rid of all that streaming computer stuff and just buy some good CDs and SACDs to play directly on the Oppo. It's a good machine and should hold up well against a Rega RP3/elys combo. If the Rega is blowing the digital away, all the extra baggage you've got going is probably not for the better sonically. You asked.
Chayro brings up a good point. How does a good CD or SACD playing on the Oppo compare to the streaming digital?
I was going to say that all PC setups I've heard were at audio shows and my one lame attempt at it and they always sounded a bit on the cool side. Detailed, yes, but not emotionally engaging. These were rooms that people raved about and I just didn't get it.

Like Chayro stated, try some good quality CDs and SACDs on the OPPO and see how you feel then. I just got a Marantz SA-15S2b and couldn't believe the weight and body it added along with exquisite detail and layering. But that's just me.

All the best,