VPI owners.......

If you have the platter that has the three leveling set screws, ( mine is the HW-19 ) here's a free and accurate way to level/true the platter. Cut a business card on a gradual slope. As you slowly glide it under the platter while spinning, you'll hear/feel the contact. It's good to mark the point at which you're adjusting with a tape dot so you'll be adjusting from the same point each time. Sit back and enjoy.
The only platter runout problems I've ever had were associated with previous users that changed the leveling screws in the first place. (I've bought several used including my current original Aries.)

It doesn't take much to place the platter at the recommended position. That seems to result in a good runout.
****@Slaw If you bought a used VPI and the previous owner screwed with the platter screws you are SOL! Better to buy new.****

VPI reset and balanced the set screws in my MK5 platter free of charge; didn't even charge me return shipping. Great customer service.
@Frogman Did you need to send the table back or just the platter and bearing? (Just curious)
Hi Slaw, Thank you for providing this simple and inexpensive method to leveling the platter.