sounds like a mechanical issue. Start here
1) have you physically changed your setup recently... moved speakers or the TT? If so put them back where they were to see if you were causing yourself feedback or found an unstable TT location.
2) recheck your stylus pressure.. most of what you describe sounds like the pressure is too light. Most cartridges will behave better at 0.3gm heavier than the nominal tracking force recommended. Its always possible something got bumped and the pressure needs recalibration.
1) have you physically changed your setup recently... moved speakers or the TT? If so put them back where they were to see if you were causing yourself feedback or found an unstable TT location.
2) recheck your stylus pressure.. most of what you describe sounds like the pressure is too light. Most cartridges will behave better at 0.3gm heavier than the nominal tracking force recommended. Its always possible something got bumped and the pressure needs recalibration.