Turntable rumbling

Hello Friends, merry xmas
I have at the moment, a Michell Tecodeck turntable, with a Garrot Bros updated P77 cardridge, I have bought new speakers and amp, Redgum amp, with phono stage, and Usher speakers, I have enjoy the "Break in Stage" of all equipment, as It was so much better, but after approx 50 hours use, all of a sudden the LP,s, have a bass boom, at the start of the LP, and any warped LPs is un playable, I took out the styls, from the cartridge, and seems OK.
All My LP's are mimt no clics and pops!!
The last time I played the LP's was on a Well Tempered Classic, an I had no promblem.
I have set the cartridge, on the correct weight, well the Sure was 1gm out compare to the digital, friends I'm geting upset not good after a heart attack!!
Can someone put me on the right track, as I have just got back into Hi Fi, Where I live down here, on the South Coast of Australia, there is no shop, that deals with Hi-Fi, to get any assistance I have to drive 4 Hours to Sydmey!!
Kindest Regards
David Spry
sounds like a mechanical issue. Start here

1) have you physically changed your setup recently... moved speakers or the TT? If so put them back where they were to see if you were causing yourself feedback or found an unstable TT location.

2) recheck your stylus pressure.. most of what you describe sounds like the pressure is too light. Most cartridges will behave better at 0.3gm heavier than the nominal tracking force recommended. Its always possible something got bumped and the pressure needs recalibration.
hmm above it says you set the TT at 1g m, yet the spec I searched out says the nominal tracking force is 1.8 gm.

Hello Friends
Hoping your Xmas, was good to you!!
My Turntable has no "ground connection", I have been playing my LP's loud latley as Mum has been away!!, this is where I notice the low rumble, from my LP,s.
I have bought a lot of Lps from Americia, with are new and sealed!!, A lot of them are warped, However I had a few in the same codition, when using my Old Well Tempered Classic, as it was a long time ago, I dont rember, the low down rumble!!
I have tried all of the above, including the hot temp and humity at this time of year!!
My cartridge is Garrott Bros P77 update "I think this maybe the promblem??"
I look foward to your advice
Happy New Year
If some one