has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0

One of either channels stops working.
I have already returned the unit back to China twice
They have replaced the unit and now it's gone down for the third time. I contacted a local tech in NYC and was advised
it probably would not be worth having the unit repaired.
Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone recommend a tech
here in the states preferably in the New York area
Thanks to all for your time and response.
All the connection s appear to be in order
With no shorts. It tried switching inputs
To my main preamp ie tuner/phono swap
The problem didn't go away.
Looks like its going back to China.
I will however contact American audiophile
To speak with their tech.
Maybe I don't understand your description, but if you switched between a tuner and your phono stage and the problem persisted, that would mean that the problem is not necessarily the stage. Can your system play digital? If so, I take it the issues don't arise when using it?

The same sort of thing has happened to me. Once I could have sworn a tube had gone bad but it turned out one of my ic's was problematic. It took me days to figure it out.

But if it is the unit, I can't believe they're making you pay to ship it back! 3 times!

I'm having the unit repaired locally.Apparently the problem is in fact a blown FET. According to the tech, FETS are very susceptible to static electricity. I'm keeping this one as a spare once returned, making sure whatever I decide to get going forward is grounded directly to the electrical outlet.
Antnee, While you are having the FETS replaced, upgrade the output capacitors to Jantzen Superior z-caps. They are a big sound improvement on an already excellent phono.

The caps are inexpensive $25 for a pair of 1UF from Parts Express.