has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0

One of either channels stops working.
I have already returned the unit back to China twice
They have replaced the unit and now it's gone down for the third time. I contacted a local tech in NYC and was advised
it probably would not be worth having the unit repaired.
Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone recommend a tech
here in the states preferably in the New York area
Things were not rosy after purchasing mine April, 2012.

I had used the unit for about 3 weeks before the right channel faded out. After much Skypeing with "Katherine" from Salience-HIFI-Audio in Shenzhen, they sent me a main board for the phono box, which I installed. After repairing, I have not had a problem. I leave it on 24/7.

I used several caps from the old board to beef up the new one. I replaced all the small wires with fine teflon-covered solid copper and the input wiring I replaced with cloth insulated solid silver. The output caps I trialed with Russian K40Y paper-in-oil and felt it was too suave and lacking detail but addictive. Between those and the OEM Solens, I most like the Robert Hovland SuperCaps. Neutral, revealing, 3D, transparent and very engaging. The goal was to further open up the top octave to balance the enhanced bass from Nichicon KA audio caps I added to the power supply. What a nice change in dynamics and bass presence the Nichicons provide.

As a side note, Jasmine already installed PP snubber caps on the power supply rectifier diodes. I also replaced the umbilical with Jasmine's upgrade cord. Other upgrades are planned.

Biggest drivers of change? 1.) phono box coupling caps followed by 2.) KA caps in the power supply. The wiring upgrade is definitely discernible but not as quickly noted.
I just bought the new version of the Jasmine, the 2.5du. There's this hum coming from the power supply that's quite annoying. I can hear it 7 feet away. In conjunction with the transformer hum I get from my amp, I have a veritable hum cacophony emanating from my rack. It doesn't come though the speakers, mercifully, but I'm wondering if this is common for these Jasmine units.
I have the older Jasmine and I have to place my ear about a foot away to hear a faint hum. When I retreat a few feet it is quiet.
Thanks redglobe. The manufacturer suggests that it may be a loose screw that holds down the transformer. So, not normal.
Dear Redglobe, 'Your horse' decided to drink the water. So your effort was not wasted. For the European members I can
say that those Jantzen Superior Z-caps are easy to get for
about 25 euro, postage included. I order them in Germany. The original caps are MKT kind and about 17x12x7mm 'large'. The Jantzen are ,say, 10x
larger so to fit them in place one need to use the caps wire as fastening device. After fastening and soldering simple cut superfluous wire. The caps will hang in air but
need to be lower than the electrolictic caps near them.
I also exchanged the output wire for my own solid wire which is an alloy of gold and silver. The same wire is use
in my interconnect to the amp. My original intention was to
also exchange the input wire but the risk to damage those very thin wire inside the Jasmine induced me to leave those 'as is'. The comfort being : those are so short it
may not matter...
Well first of all I was happy to hear that my Jasmin was
functioning after my soldering. Then I was surprised to hear 'some other' phono-pre. This upgrade is unbelievable. The dynamic range is much more extended, the sound is without any sharpness while the harmonics in the conjuction with the keynots are one 'wholeness'. I was very sceptical about the improvement the caps can provide but in this case I am convinced. But, alas, I can't say what the contribution of my own wire is. Those who want to try the same upgrade will nee to first exchange the caps
then listen and then exchange the wire.