Esco cantilever/stylus mods for Zu Denon 103R

I've just learned of this mod a few minutes ago, but I haven't been able to turn up any info as to where and how to acquire this service.

Appreciate the help, thanks, regards,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Hi Dan, I may just be able to help. For the last few years I've been running the basic Zu modded Denon 103 (not R version). Excellent dynamics, and esp. tonality. So good it surpassed my prev. SOTA Transfiguation Orpheus (all this, at 25% of the price!).
On the Lenco Heaven forum boards I became aware of the Expert Stylus and Cartridge Company (ESCCo) just outside London, England. For the princely sum of £250 (c$400+) they take the Zu 103, replace the stylus with a Paratrace profile diamond, and the existing cantilever with a slightly longer White Sapphire variation. It's possible just to go for the stylus at lower cost, but I went for both.
Despite some warnings, reasonably, that the nature of the Zu 103 would be lost, my experience is that this actually isn't true. All the dynamics and tonality are retained, but a new sweetness is introduced that in my system at least nicely offsets a slight tendency to stridency in the higher frequencies that would quite often intrude on some recordings. A slight caveat is that there is a slight drop off in urgency, but this has been mainly remedied by retaining the original VTF of 2.5g despite ESCCo advising dropping it to 2.0g.
In my opinion, this is all win-win. An already brilliant cart punching well above it's weight has been elevated to the ranks of truly great. Sweetness, tonality and detail all in spades, superb propulsive bass, airy top end, superlative tracking and rejection of surface noise. What more could you want?
This is now the keeper for me (was considering looking at Lyra Atlas/Soundsmith Straingauge, but no more). Email Expert Stylus and Cartridge Company and get a quote (lead time is 3-4 months so make sure you have a spare cart to use). You won't be dissapointed.
Forgot to mention email:
As far as I'm aware they don't have a website. Don't worry about that, they're one of these companies that have been dealing with stylii related issues since the Golden Age of audio in the 50s and 60s, and are actively involved in lots of engineering pursuits (like SME). What their main man doesn't know about stylii/carts isn't worth knowing, and their cost effective service really puts to shame all the times I'd send my prev. Transfiguration carts back to Japan for retipping and be seriously overcharged.
Remember to factor in the cost of shipping both ways/customs charges, since they're based in England.

Thanks much for your answer to my question, it's really appreciated. My Zu Denon is a 103R (within 2% channel matching), is never out of rotation for very long.
My Dyna XX2MKII is getting very long in the tooth, after about seven years of steady use, it's getting ready for a re-tip. Sounds like ESCO might be the right choice to send that to for work.

The Zu 103R is already an outstanding cartridge, and to be able to take it to another level entirely for $400 is an opportunity not to be missed.

Thanks again for the help, best regards,