My Dynavector 10 X 5 Stylus fell off now what?

Hi guys my analog evening ended up with digital sound cause my DV 10X5 fell off from the cartridge on my rega P5, now I feel lost cause this is my first cartridge ever and I have no much experience with analog, just plug and spin my records but now I will need some advice, please do, thanks to audiogone i can share the nightmare almost at the same time did happen.
thank you all.
You can either send it to Soundsmith to be repaired or buy a new cartridge.
As Stereo5 said above, you can either have it re-built by Soundsmith or buy another cartridge. Your money, your choice.
Could you tell me if the repaired cartridge will sound the same, or what is the best move cause I don't have lots of money to be experimenting at this time, really appreciate inputs.