Transfiguration Proteus

Anyone heard or own the new Transfiguration Proteus cart? I've read where it s the replacement for the Orpheus in the new Transfiguration line.
Hi,Have had every Transfiguration the Proteus is by far the best best bass ,soundstage width depth,pinpoint imaging,detail best my far.Love it.
Ebm, that's great to hear. I've currently got a Dynavector XV-1s on a TW 10.5 arm. Don't you have a TW 10.5 arm too? Is the Proteus a good match on that arm? Seriously contemplating adding another arm and cart to mt AC-1. Don't have many mono recordings, so the Proteus intrigues me.
If anyone wants to sell his or her Orpheus L, in order to purchase Proteus, I am interested.
Hi Guys, Using TW ACUSTIC 10.5 arm cartridge lists around $6K.Mine was set up by Jeff of HIGHWATER SOUND he did a wonderful setup.I am enjoying the best analog sound ever this is a truly amazing cartridge in every way.Turntable TW AC3 with BN 3 motors ,BN feet,BN VTA Armboard,BN battery power supply also using STEALTH v10 amp cord on turntable,SYMPOSIUM HDSE feet under BN power supply with 2,5 balls,tunable on SYMPOSIUM STEALTH custom stand.