Rega P5 w/Denon 103R what should I upgrade to?

Hello I'm looking to upgrade my current cartridge a Denon 103R on my REGA P5. I'm using a fully modded Jolida P9 into a Cayin AT50 tube amp. My sound is very nice but missing some separation at the upper levels. I listen to mostly Jazz , blues and vocals. Thanks for any advise and love hearing about your journeys as i'm kinda at a disadvantage as this is my first table and cart. Thanks in advance
your cart is capable of amazing things, that is not the source of your problem. I would look into getting a better table as a starting point.
I have heard good things about the 103R and the mods performed by Zu Audio. If you like the general sound of it but want more, perhaps you should consider the 103R Zu? I think the P5 is a good table and can support the 103R or 103R Zu.

I have the JD9 too. Have you upgraded the tubes? This will make a very big difference in sound and might be all you need.

Also, make sure your P5 is well isolated, balanced and set up correctly with the correct settings on the JD9. Cheers.