Rega P5 w/Denon 103R what should I upgrade to?

Hello I'm looking to upgrade my current cartridge a Denon 103R on my REGA P5. I'm using a fully modded Jolida P9 into a Cayin AT50 tube amp. My sound is very nice but missing some separation at the upper levels. I listen to mostly Jazz , blues and vocals. Thanks for any advise and love hearing about your journeys as i'm kinda at a disadvantage as this is my first table and cart. Thanks in advance
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Hey like the comments maybe I should have given more info to you guys.
I have modded the J9 (6moons) except for the oamps which are on the way. I'm using NOS RCA tubes. My table is also modded counterweight, subplattter and dual white belts and a herbies mat. Thanks again for the info I appreciate your knowledge and learnings.
Vince, take the plunge on the Zu 103, it beats the stock 103, and is well worth the money ($800+). I've gone on to get the Expert Stylus And Cartridge Company here in the UK to mod it with Paratrace stylus and White Sapphire cantilever for £280 ($450+). It comfortably outpaces my 4x pricier Transfiguration Orpheus. An unbelievable giant killer that I would not swap out.
I have a thread devoted to the Zu 103 ESCCo mods.
I sub'd the stock tubes with cyro'd Mullard reissue 12AX7 with long plates. I also performed the rest of the upgrades on 6moons article.