Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3

I currently have an original Vpi Aries and it works just fine. I was just thinking about upgrading tables and I have been looking at the Vpi classic 3. I'm wondering if this is worth the upgrade. I can get around 1800.00 for my table so I'm looking at spending about 4000.00 to get the classic 3.
03-07-13: Taters
It seems the dealers are the only ones telling me it would make a big difference.

LOL!! What a surprise!!!
Do yourself a favor and get away from the VPI upgraditis, audio nervosa stuff-- hopefully forever. If you want to make a change make it a real change.
I have an Aries I since 1997, that is now fitted with Classic feet, the SDS, the Classic platter (in comparison with the Supper Platter I used to have on it, I thought the Classic platter had much better dynamics), the outer ring, the JMW 10.5i arm and the Rim Drive. Very much a melding of the Classic and an Aries I. It is amazing, amazing, amazing. Running a Lyra Atlas on it now, and it's hard for me to bring myself to play anything but vinyl. The original Aries plinth is a gorgeous piece of MDF and Acrylic, and with the modification paths, I'm guessing it more than compares with any of the Classic's, that frankly I have always found a bit graceless looking. Love this table and I can't imagine ever changing unless it's to a SME/30 etc...
I agree, Harry is a fox, once he gets into your 'coup', he will take you to the poor house with upgraditis. Don't get me wrong, Harry makes great products. Just stick to the original and forget the upgrade band wagon. Harry is the master of 'product extension', truly a great 'marketer'. Watch for his new ultra sonic cleaning machine.