Spdif source switching?

I have a DAC with only one input (coax). I'm curious if there is a device available that would allow me to add more digital inputs. If so would there be any cons to using this approach?
Ignore it? "The optimum device...", and "this will be the best system upgrade you have ever done".... but, yet, it takes me to advise it isn't bit perfect and, now you say, "its not perfect". I am glad to be a critic here.

I think you were a bit misleading, and now dodging behind my giving you a hard time. I think you should not push your products in these boards. I think it is self serving of you. I think you can learn from other designers/manufacturers here and just leave your website to being the contact point for your sales, and not audiogon message forum.
Ozzy - the SM has improved quite a lot in 2013. You may have had an earlier version.

What were you comparing the SM to?

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
He bought it. He tried it. It sucked. You told him it was the only unit with bad outputs.

Don't you keep track of this stuff?