Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.

How far should the motor be placed on a Nottingham Ace Space from the turntable?
No. I tried the VPI motor controller once, but that only affected the sound negatively. I sent it back to the dealer. I understand from other Nott owners that the Wave Mechanic is a nice improvement.

Updated the Wave Mechanic and motor to the latest versions. Big improvement.

My old Wave Mechanic was just filtration and voltage adjustment, but the new version is much more complex, and sounds far better (smoother, stronger, cleaner).
Terry9 - "My old Wave Mechanic was just filtration and voltage adjustment, "

I have a copy of hand written notes and a schematic sent from the designer Martin Bastin. These were dated 3/17/00. The unit described was a power regenerator. That is, an oscillator feeding an amplifier connected to a transformer to set up the output of the amp to line voltage. It was not just filtration and there was frequency adjustment, no voltage adjustment.

These notes were sent to a friend of mine so he could repair a malfunctioning unit. They were sent to me years later for the same reason. Turned out we both suffered from the same problem, a blown output transistor.
Shakeydeal - Glad to hear that you like your K&K Maxed Out. You might want to check out Kevin's new TT motor controller. There may still be a beta unit available. I got rid of my Wave Mechanic in favor of Kevin's.

beta TT controller