Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.

How far should the motor be placed on a Nottingham Ace Space from the turntable?
Shakeydeal - Glad to hear that you like your K&K Maxed Out. You might want to check out Kevin's new TT motor controller. There may still be a beta unit available. I got rid of my Wave Mechanic in favor of Kevin's.

beta TT controller

That looks very interesting. I am a big fan of Kevin's work. I am actually using something similar with my WTA, but probably not quite as effective. It is the DPS outboard power supply that they sell. It has speed adjustment too.

I will have to check out Kevin's motor controller, thanks for the heads up.

Hello John.

My Wave Mechanic was 1997 vintage. Mr. Bastin is of the opinion that what I received was not a true Wave Mechanic; I expect that Tom F simply pulled an early prototype off the shelf and sent me the unit in good faith.

I am exploring a more exotic motor controller based on an HP signal generator (which is gathering dust) and some 6090 op-amps. If it works, I'll let you know.