Buying A Cartridge Direct From Japan

Seems like there can be some decent savings when buying certain cartridges directly from Japan, vs buying from here in the US. Since I'm just learning about cartridges, would there be any kind of difference between a Japan model and a US model, maybe electrically or something, that would prevent using a Japan model here in the US? I would think they would be exactly the same, but I want to be sure before I maybe do anything. Thanks.
Dear Banquo 363, As you can see from the title of this thread the question was about carts. It may be interesting for whomever to know about headshells, leads, ETC. (what
do you mean with 'etc' btw ?) but headshells and leads we can get everywhere. I myself am interested in those Highphonic carts while Otomon, Toxan, ETC. don't even bother to answer my questions.
I have bought directly from HiFiDo, Otoman Vintage, Joynet Cafe and Jico on numerous occasions and have had no troubles.......
Dear Henry, Those names are intermediary. You can buy directly from me many Japanese carts (grin). You already got one from Holland. That is however not 'the' question.
Dear Nikola,
I think you might find that Jico are not quite as "intermediary" as you?.........
Whilst your answers on this Thread may not be 'perfect'.......I'm pleased to say that your ears are certainly to be trusted......
The MIT 1 cartridge you just sent me may well be one the best cartridges I have heard?
And that is straight out of the box without 'run-in' time.....
I hope I'm not being premature? :-)
Dear Nikola,

The question was whether one can buy a cartridge directly from Japan?
One imagines that he means from a retailer as I don't believe anyone thinks they can buy directly from a manufacturer like.....Lyra, Audio Technica, Dynavector, ZYX, Koetsu, Clearaudio, Ortofon et al?
Therefore an "intermediary" (or Retailer) is implicit in the question?
I listed a number of intermediaries as well as a direct manufacturer (Jico).
Others may help with retailers who can deal with international customers....but my experience is that there are not so many?