Project Xtension 12 or VPI Classic 3

I am looking to get into vinyl and am a bit of a novice.
I have demo'd vinyl and loved the sound compared to digital.
I am considering 2 turntable / cartridge options at this time.
A Project 12 xtension with a Sumiko Celebration 2 Cartridge and a VPI Classic 3 with an Ortofon Cadenza Black Cartridge.
Is the VPI / Ortofon that much better?
I don't have the opportunity to demo that combination but have read great reviews.
Is it worth the addional cost?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I currently have Cremona M's, Conrad Johnson ET3 SE with Phono and Cary 500 MB Mono Blocks and my current source is a an Oppo 95
The Classic 3 is the better table by far. I have had a Scout with the unipivot arm for many years and it is excellent and very reliable.
I've never had any problems with the unipivot design in my VPI TT's as well.

More importantly, though, the components that you are looking at are very expensive for someone who's just getting started with analog. Its pretty risky. What if you don't like what you buy?
Why the different cartridges for turntable?

The Ortofon and Sumiko are very different sounding cartridges.
Thanks for the responses.
I am aware that I am looking at expensive components however I feel that in the long run I will save money because I will not have the need to upgrade as I am possibly doing with my current speakers.
Regarding the cartridges I demo'd The Sumiko that came with The Project Table. A dealer highly recommended the Ortofon Cadenza Black and was offering a great price in a package deal.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.