Project Xtension 12 or VPI Classic 3

I am looking to get into vinyl and am a bit of a novice.
I have demo'd vinyl and loved the sound compared to digital.
I am considering 2 turntable / cartridge options at this time.
A Project 12 xtension with a Sumiko Celebration 2 Cartridge and a VPI Classic 3 with an Ortofon Cadenza Black Cartridge.
Is the VPI / Ortofon that much better?
I don't have the opportunity to demo that combination but have read great reviews.
Is it worth the addional cost?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I currently have Cremona M's, Conrad Johnson ET3 SE with Phono and Cary 500 MB Mono Blocks and my current source is a an Oppo 95
"While I do agree with this, personal tastes are also critical as to what is "better"."

Another good point. I think I can put this into "better" context.

"When someone says one is better than the other they need to also be able to say they have heard both in the same system."

To me, that statement implies "better" will be a subjective judgement by one person listening to both TT setups in the same system. So if 2 or more people listen to the same setup listed above, each person gets to say what is "better"; for them. And having the 2 TT's in one system allows you to eliminate many variables in the sound that is not related to the gear you are trying to evaluate. Its a better "better".
12-27-13: Jperry
You have a lot of great, insightful advice and I always like to see your posts.

Thank you very much, I appreciate that. Now if only my wife would appreciate my advice. ;)

I know what you mean about the "brand campaigners", but they are just part of the membership here. They don't bother me anymore, as I know who likes what now. I suppose it could be confusing for newbies who do not know their way around, but then they need to learn how to search the archives and do some homework of their own. They will soon find out who offers sage advice and who is simply pushing their own brand.

We are all free to offer advice, the wise ones will be those that learn to value certain members experiences and tastes over others. I've learned through my own trial and error to find out which members personal sonic tastes most mirror my own over the years, hopefully others are doing the same thing.

In the end, it's always a personal decision. You can ask someone what turntable, cartridge, amp, car, scotch, that you will like best, but you have to realize that what someone else prefers may not be the choice that works best for you. Cheers.
ZD - That is an interesting point. When does it cross the line from "better to me" to "clearly better" where most would agree that one is better than the other, and it is no longer a matter of individual preference.

The "clearly better" can be difficult to determine between individual components that are very close in performance.
Better is simply better, no personal tastes involved. Also why it has to ? As an audiophile, we should not look for our personal tastes in music reproduction, we should have to look for best possible life like music reproduction, and at his point of view, classic 3 is better then extension, in any system and for any hearing capable human being.
12-28-13: Altanpsx
Better is simply better, no personal tastes involved.

If there were any truth to that statement at all, it would make this hobby a whole lot easier. ;)