How effective is the ultrasonic V-8 lp cleaner?

If you own this unit, how effective are the results Vx the more traditional VPI's or Nitty Gritty's that are not ultrasonic?
Allvinyl, that is the first test which I tried. I was perfectly ready to write off the cost of the US cleaner rather than damage my records.

Testing paradigm: cleaned two records thoroughly with 15 minutes of US. Treatment: I then immersed them half way in the US tank, without rotation, and let them cook for two hours. When I played the record, it played about a second of clean record and a second of cooked record, as good an ABA test as you could imagine. I heard no difference, nor did others who witnessed the test. What I did notice was an absence of high frequency distortion.

Lloyd, I am using a P-60H, rebranded as a Fisher Scientific.

Since my first posting above, I have returned to the cleaning method which I used in the test, 2 records at a time. The results are obvious: records sound clearer, and surface turbulence is observed between the records and on each side. With 4 records, there was no surface turbulence between records, hence limited cleaning action, leading me to conclude that at least one wavelength must be allowed between each record (3/4 inch for 80 KHz).
I have the Ultrasonic V8 and the Vpi 16.5 and I only have positive things to say about both machines. I have been able to make many records very enjoyable again.....I have not noticed any degradation of higher frequencies on any of my vinyl but I am 53 and hearing is still good but not like it was  20-30 years system is a Clearaudio Performance DC with an Ortofon 2m black cartridge. I would recommend either machine or a combo of both....

Reviving an old thread here

I only use ultrasonic cleaning for my vinyl. I have done many before/after tests. It's consistently the best possible method (and I have tried a lot of different methods) I have used. It's hard to accept that there is any degradation taking place. EVERY record I have cleaned sounds considerably better. Hands down. 

I realize that there is a ton of debate over every nuance of this hobby of ours and I realize that this is my opinion and own that fact. But, in my humble opinion using US is almost as big a change as replacing my cartridge with a Hana moving coil. Which was like re-discovering my system.