Sonofjim, I sort of agree with you and have basically said as much. Not that you accused me of saying the MK3 was perfect but since I started this diatribe; I don't believe that the MK3 is perfect, BUT I will say they got closer than most. My concern was that this applied oil was heretofore not mentioned. I wanted people to know what was actually being done to these machines; I feel I have succeeded. I also do not consider this a flame-war (at least I don't consider myself at war with anyone :) but rather an intelligent discourse and as we have both stated, to each their own. People now have the knowledge of what is being done to there MK3's.
I thought I was clear about this but perhaps not, I have no problem with mods on anything, (except molesting air cooled 911's :) I just happened to see the interior of one of these modded turntables. It was an oily mess and that is simply a fact.
So once more, this is not about an inanimate object being sacrosanct, it is about informing people of what is actually happening to their TT's, remember, before this thread, I don't think the core of this mod was public knowledge. I saw no evidence of anything else in the machine other than a plethora of oil slathered around. This is quite a bit different than installing Harmonix or Still Point footers or a better plinth or Hexfred diodes...etc.
Concerning the original Technics Chassis.., yeah, I don't know what they were thinking :) It's like they did all the heavy lifting and then got tired LOL. Or the "A" team finished the hard work and then handed off the final housing design to the "B" team.
One more time.., people now know the deal, to quote Richard himself.., "Caveat Emptor".
I thought I was clear about this but perhaps not, I have no problem with mods on anything, (except molesting air cooled 911's :) I just happened to see the interior of one of these modded turntables. It was an oily mess and that is simply a fact.
So once more, this is not about an inanimate object being sacrosanct, it is about informing people of what is actually happening to their TT's, remember, before this thread, I don't think the core of this mod was public knowledge. I saw no evidence of anything else in the machine other than a plethora of oil slathered around. This is quite a bit different than installing Harmonix or Still Point footers or a better plinth or Hexfred diodes...etc.
Concerning the original Technics Chassis.., yeah, I don't know what they were thinking :) It's like they did all the heavy lifting and then got tired LOL. Or the "A" team finished the hard work and then handed off the final housing design to the "B" team.
One more time.., people now know the deal, to quote Richard himself.., "Caveat Emptor".