VPI Aries with non-VPI arm

Anyone using a VPI table with an arm other than those made by VPI?

I have a new Aries/3D setup. I like the table but the unipivot style arm is not for me.

I'd like to switch the 3D unipivot for a gimbaled arm: Tri-Planar, Kuzma 4 Point, etc.
Can the Aries be retrofit to take these arms?

There is no local dealer to ask and VPI's phone info has not always been accurate.
Maxh, I used a Tri-planar VII on an Aries 2. Worked fine. It looked a bit odd since I had to use the same spot where the longer jwm 10.5 was mounted. The arm board was in a fixed spot. The result was that the arm at rest sat at an angle instead of pointing straight out. But I was able to get the right pivot to spindle distance so it worked fine. That would be less of an issue if the arm was of similar length to the 10.5 instead of being a 9 inch arm.

BTW I bought an extra arm mount board or "puck" on Audiogon that I drilled for the Tri so I could keep the original arm board free of extra holes. Spacers were also needed to raze the arm up from the arm board.
I definitely don't like the arm.

I'm sure it is a good design & that is well manufactured but I'm not comfortable with the cartridge setup process on this uni-pivot arm. I don't feel that I'm getting the best sound from this system.

I have had tables & arms starting with an AR in the 60s, to Thorens, SME, Oracle, including a VPI HR19 and a Scoutmaster with their 9" arm.

I am not compulsive about cartridge setup or tweaking but this arm is way too twitchy for me. Setting the counterweight & azimuth is a nightmare. I am never certain that the pivot point is properly seated at the apex of the inverted cup. All the cartridge settings come into question because I have no confidence that the arm is seated properly.

Again, I'm sure VPI did a good job on the 3D. I think it's just the nature of their uni-pivot design.

I think I'll opt an arm that provides for more secure setup. This is an arm that I don't feel that I'm able to "dial in."