Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs

I have a dilema

My Zyx Universe .24mv cartridge appears to be loosing its suspension characteristics. I believe an arm bearing not moving freely put too much wear on it.

I have 84 db speakers and have to crank at pretty high levels to get my volume up far enough to resolve things.

I know a .24 mv is going to have slightly more resolution and speed but woud I be better going with the .48 and having less stress on the amplification and higher output volumes?
Amplification is a chain to your speakers. And it is useful when you realized that Volume and Gain (internal amplification) are 2 different things.
I think you will have a proper Amp to drive your speakers, then the next critical detail is the matching between Preamp output to Input Amp. When the amp needs a stronger input signal than your preamp can deliver, you will have a loss in Gain and you can only compensate it with the volume poti. But this is something you can check on your own. When they match then you are normally with the volume poti at 09.00....
Same is for your Phonostage connected to your Preamp, they should match, too. A 0.24mV cartridge needs normally Phono Gain in the area of 62-65dB. When this is not sufficient then you can only compensate that with a better Preamp, or with a higher Gain setting in your Phonostage.
When your phono gain is probably at 55dB max, a 0.24mV Cartridge is too weak (or your Phonostage is too weak), this means, all the advantages of a low output MC Cartridge are useless because you will never hear it.
That is the reason why a lot of carts are offered with higher outputs, 0.5mV+
When you made this controlling, you will know what you can do to improve that. Normally it is the cheapest way to switch to a cartridge with higher output (a different Preamp or Phonoamp is generally more expensive when you look for something serious).
No matter what will be, a Preamp (and a connected Phonostage) are the brain of the System. They are responsible for a lively or a static performance). Amplifier power is cheap and there are a lot of good units out there. But good Preamps are much harder to find. But, when you made the right decision and only the internal Phono gain is too weak, So, go for a higher output MC when you don't want to change parts of the hardware...
0.24mV carts are better BUT you need the right working area for these.
To summarize what I think Doug and Syntax are saying, don't do it. If your phono stage had sufficient gain for the 0.24 version of the UNI in the first place, then you will gain nothing by switching to the 0.48 version, and the latter is not as good sounding. If the phono gain was never sufficient, by criteria described by Syntax, then you may need to have it modified or replaced. If you really think you have a bad bearing in your tonearm, then first and foremost you need to have it fixed or replaced.
Lewm, that's exactly what I was saying.

Further, I'm confident that Tom's Doshi Alaap (phono + line preamp) has (or at least had) ample gain for a .24mv ZYX. You heard the UNIverse/Alaap combo at the home of our mutual friend and your neighbor, Michael K****. I'd wager that inadequate gain and dynamic compression were the furthest things from your mind.

Something's clearly amiss, but we need more info.



Try this experiment: reduce your VTF drastically... like to 1.30-1.50g. If the cartridge tracks cleanly and dynamics open up, your supposition that the cartridge suspension is giving out is confirmed.

thanks guys for the insights

here is what happened and why I was questioning my options
Do I choose more volume (but less resolution in the zyx) or higher output stage?

How much less of a cartridge is the .48? thanks for your comments and experiences

I didn't know just how big of a difference the .24 and .48 would be musically and really appreciate your insight. I love the resolving power of the .24, can't give that up

the more volume part of the equation is that the Salk Soundscape 10s are 84db efficient and I have to have my Doshi in the top several clicks to get sufficient driving volume where you really separate out things. It wasn't a problem till I switched to the lower efficiency speakers. The Doshi is a step down attenuator so it isn't clipping being near the top end of it's range.

In addition woofer pumping takes a lot of wattage away from the music and makes a hard load to drive

The cartridge is on a triplaner arm - I was fighting woofer pumping for a while. With help from Richard Gray locally, Doug Deacon, Mehran and Thom Mackris of Galibier we were able to isolate this with a feather test. A feather should be able to lift a properly functioning arm. The arm bearing wasn't working and so the cantilever was doing all the up down motion and causing subsonic woofer pumping and damage to the suspension.

Tri totally reworked my arm and all was well the last year. The pumping has returned but the arm is tracking correctly vertically.

I believe the cartridge issue is one of two things
The suspension has finally given way from all the arm rigidity abuse or I was not properly using my magic eraser, just barely lightly rubbing slowly from back to front (Richard Gray freaked out). He showed my how to dip the cartridge in the eraser a few times instead.

Universe II - tis tempting - ouch on the price. I've read all your reviews on it Doug and I listen to a broad range of music from the period piece chamber ensembles we both love so well, symphonies, acoustic jazz, rock, folk, everything really. Especially acoustic instruments in space. I play upright bass and my son is in several symphonic groups

Tell me more about Andy Kim. Does he work on ZYX?
Maybe the cartridge can be salvaged.
Perhaps sending this back to Mehran is in the cards
You have a number of wise responses here. My question is about the sound at the high end of your volume control.

1) Does being so high on the attenuator create any sonic drawbacks? Added noise, feel like the system is running out of steam, straining too much?

2) Do you ever want to crank the volume beyond the highest setting you have available?

If the answer to these questions is "no" in both cases, then get that cartridge looked at and fixed or grab another .24 mV ZYX.

If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, then I personally would try to address the gain issue somehow other than by getting the HO cart. Do you use an SUT? You could get one that gives more boost to the voltage. Otherwise, I'd think about adding gain either in the phono stage, preamp or power amp.