currently own a vpi scout, looking to upgrade

I have had a scout for about 5 years and I am looking to upgrade. I have heard the vpi classic and although it sounds decent, I am not sure it necessarily sounds better or better enough to my ears. How much do,I have to spend to see a,significant difference? I have not heard many tables because there are not many available locally. Any suggestions would,be appreciated.
FWIW, Stereophile just did a review on this 'table. ( Well Tempered Labs Amadeus Mk. II.) The review seemed positive. I purchased this Mk. II version used in mint condition. I will keep you posted if you are interested. I'm in the process of set up and looking for some interconnects that will work with this TT. I currently own a Rega RP-6 and I am fairly confident the Well Tempered table will be a upgrade.
I am trading my scoutmaster on a Rega rp8 which I should have in a few days. I was going to do all the upgrades for vpi including the 3b arm but I couldn't justify the price. Rega 8 is reasonably priced at 3k with the apheta cartridge. I will let you know how it sounds compared to the scoutmaster
Snook2. I believe the Rega RP-8 with Apheta cartridge is 4k new. The table by itself is 3k. This is a very good choice also.
I received the rp8/apheta. I have been listening for a few days and its a nice surprise how good the resolution is compared to the scoutmaster/jmw arm/dynavector. Separation of instruments and vocal enunciation is what popped out the most. I like the looks of the table which is the antithesis of most of the tables I have owned. Real light and minimal footprint.