currently own a vpi scout, looking to upgrade

I have had a scout for about 5 years and I am looking to upgrade. I have heard the vpi classic and although it sounds decent, I am not sure it necessarily sounds better or better enough to my ears. How much do,I have to spend to see a,significant difference? I have not heard many tables because there are not many available locally. Any suggestions would,be appreciated.
I received the rp8/apheta. I have been listening for a few days and its a nice surprise how good the resolution is compared to the scoutmaster/jmw arm/dynavector. Separation of instruments and vocal enunciation is what popped out the most. I like the looks of the table which is the antithesis of most of the tables I have owned. Real light and minimal footprint.
I would go with a different manufacturer.
I went from a loaded Scoutmaster to Aries 3 with the 3D arm. I stayed with VPI because I already had all the extras: outer ring, center weight, TNT feet, SDS controller.
I'm not impressed with the upgrade.
Now I'm doing what I should have; I'm getting rid of the whole VPI rig & start fresh.
I heard a great vinyl setup at the Capital Audio Fest based on the TW Raven GT. But I'm also partial to the Clearaudio Innovation Compact because it is 3 speed and accepts two arms.
It's a matter of taste and NEVER about which one is better.

Some people (including me) prefer the Rega over the VPI because of the richness and musicality of the Rega compared to the "revealing" nature of the VPI deck.

Please note that "revealing" does not mean harsh or over the edge. It just sound more analytical to my ears, nothing more, nothing less.

I owned the original Scout when it first came out and it sounded superb with my DV 10xGold L/DV P-75 combo. Cannot comment on new model but I'm extremely satisfied with Rega now.

Luckily I have a great friend who owns a local dealer. I visit often allowing me to listen to great tables for long periods of time.

Based on multiple listening sessions, I would only upgrade to a Townshend Rock 7. Again, a matter of preference.

It all boils down to taste and synergy?
I have now had the rega rp8 for over 6 months and it is still the best sounding table I have purchased. More dynamics and resolution over the three VPI's I have owned. One problem with the Rega is the magnesium brace. It has oxidized to a black film. This is common to magnesium but definitely looks bad. I live close to saltwater so I am not sure if this is a common problem.
For those looking for a positive change the rp8 is a good choice with the apheta cartridge