Anyone into cassettes?

I recently picked up a Nakamichi BX300 for a couple of bills on Ebay and after replacing the idler tire and the two belts, this baby sounds better that any cassette deck I've owned previsouly, and I have been playing pre-recorded tapes for the past week in analog heaven. Finally a deck that sounds amazing on Dolby B with commercial tapes.

I also won a Dragon for a good price on auction and will send this out for restoration as needed.

Anyone else into cassettes as an alternative form of analog heaven? Some of those mid to late 80s recordings really have wonderful punch and extension.
How about the Kyocera D-811 cassette deck. I had thousands of hours of tape back in the day

Go see Willy Hermann for your Dragon. Nobody does it better! Just my opinion.
I also have the Nak BX300. I record my vinyl and play them in my Lexus which has the Mark Levinson sound system Analoge rules! Now if only the ML system in the car had tubes.
Commercial tapes were always compromised... If you are not anti digital...Pioneer developed Digital wonders