Tube question - need new ones

I have a Conrad Johnson tube preamp and amp. I need new tubes. Conrad Johnson charges an arm and a leg for tubes. Do I really need the expensive tubes from them. Can anyone suggest a cheaper vendor?
I agree with Miner42. Check with Jim McShane for his thoughts on the tubes for your CJ gear. I've bought from Jim McShane in the past for all sorts of tubes and they have turned out great with my gear.
Andy at Vintage Tube Services is also a good place to look for tubes and its very likely that he knows the CJ already.

Our customers have been very happy with his work.
Andy at Vintage tube services is nice guy and really knows his stuff. Upscale Audio is also good source.
Another recommendation for Jim McShane, which goes by the name McShane Design. He is a sponsor of Tube Asylum on Audio Asylum and can be found there as well.
c-j tells you that you should only use tubes purchased from them. They may test their tubes more than others but there is nothing unique about their tubes. You can buy tubes from other vendors and many people do.

Many people also tube roll in c-j amps and preamps and often find tubes that they prefer from manufacturers other than the ones c-j uses.

There may be a problem with the warranty if you use tubes not purchased from c-j so I would ask them about that. I don't know if there is any problem or not, but if you have to send anything back to c-j for warranty work make sure you have c-j sourced tubes in the gear.