The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?

I LOVE Audiogon. I have purchased and sold many items here and it is a wonderful resource for audio nuts of every variety. Big solid state, tubes, analog, vinyl? Sure it all goes.

So I see posts that are make offer but the seller says "lowballers" will be ignored, vilified, cursed and cussed. So why have a make offer sale? Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It doesn't matter what you paid for it, or how much you love it. And why be upset? Declining requires one mouse click. Countering maybe five or six clicks or keystrokes. Just curious as this is a commerce site.

I have received offers that seemed really low to me, but I am still happy to have interest and I always counter offer. I recently sold a Clearaudio TT for a lot less than I thought it was worth. But all the offers were low and I had to rethink my view. It ultimately sold as a real bargin but I'm happy and so is the buyer.

Your thoughts?
Orelayer, you are of course correct. I did waste more time typing my opinion than ignoring 100 "lowball" offers. The difference is, I chose to do so. When I get a prompt from Agon that says "buyer offer" I'm inclined to stop and read it. If its ridiculous, that wasted my time. I can't and won't even try, to define a lowball offer. That's impossible. Some sellers think everything they have is made of gold. An item that should be $2000 is listed for $2800. (just an example) in that case, an offer of $1800 might realistically be acceptable. On the other hand, say I list something at $2000, and it normally goes around $2200. If an offer of $300 comes in, what would you call it? I don't think I have to explain. I don't have any problem with offers. I've made many deals that started that way. All I can say is that if you make an offer, I assume, you know about what its worth. If your price is realistic, we open a dialogue. I may take your offer right off the bat, it depends. No one can put into words, much less a % of the asking price, what a "lowball" offer is. I know it when I see it. They know it when they make it. I can honestly say, I don't know of anyone that has ever bought anything on this site making a crazy low offer. I usually try to get something for a little less, most people do. Nothing wrong with that at all. All these deals start somewhere. REALISTIC is the key word.

Wow, just look at the time I've wasted typing this. The next 500 "lowballs" will be ignored with a smile so I can get even.
Orelayer, compared to you I am a Genius. And also have the means not to ever be a lowballer. Stand up for winners, not losers. How often have you offered a seller more than the buy it now price when you felt they were not asking enough? I guess there will always be a few lowball losers on here, but there are a lot more people that know how to get a good deal without lowballing.
Your analogy regarding gas etc is way off base. Audiogon is not a retail store or any type of store for that matter. It is a forum to connect buyers and sellers "There are plenty of buyers that understand the difference between buy it now, auction, and make offer". Who is debating that?
"Find a complaint on here or ebay as far as feedback goes from a buyer or a seller". Not sure what that has to do with anything regarding this subject...? Quite frankly you really don't have many transaction on this site