Advice - What turntable should I buy ???

Finally looking to buy a turntable to complete my system and to allow me to resurrect some old vinyl and to selectively buy some new vinyl as needed. I am not an avid audiophile but know just about enough to be dangerous and am interested to receive feedback from experienced folks who can assist me narrowing my search. I am confused on what I actually need as I read references to turntable , cartridges, tone arm, power supplies etc..
I have total budget $1000-1500max for a used low hrs unit that is complete and ready to connect to my system. I sometimes see these threads used as an avenue to ding various makes and systems etc.. but please don't respond with negativity as I know what sound I enjoy and am keen to hear only positive advice on turntables to supplement my system which I know is not everybodies taste (I listed items only to indicate my type of preference). Majority listening will still reside with my CD and music dvd/blu-rays.
Oppo 105D universal player; Conrad Johnson MET-1 5.1 tube pre-amp (Teflon caps); C-J MET-150 5-channel hybrid tube amp, Cardas Hexlink/Quadlink RCA interconnects; Dali Helicon 400 fronts/300 rears/200 center. Many tks in advance of positive advice

I went through this a couple of years ago. You need a turntable/arm/cartridge combo and a phono preamp. The problem I had was if I bought either piece used I had no way to test it until I bought the other pieces. Further
I had concerns about buying a turntable and having it shipped. Even if it was set up properly before being shipped, would it still be after shipping? I finally decided to try and find a used turntable/arm locally. That way I could at least hear the table before I bought it an get a feel for the seller.

My other option was to by a pre setup entry level combo such as a VPI Traveler or Clearaudio concept. This way I could take my time learning all the ins and outs of setup. Plus I wouldn't have to buy any setup tools right away.

I lucked out and found a trade in turntable and arm combo I liked at a dealer. The dealer installed the cartridge and set everything up for me. This made things a lot easier.
I'm using VPI-Aries 2 last 5 years and happy with it. However, my next table will be equipped with magnetic bearings combined with latest technology and timeless design start the New Era.
If you plan on keeping your CJ gear, then the new TT combination needs to work best with what you have, so synergy. I agree with Lostbears about being able to hear the table first with your gear, but that's not always possible. You can also try calling CJ and Dali for a recommendation, because they may have TT preferences in-house for testing/evaluating their own products.
If you plan on upgrading your CJ/Dali gear in the near future, then I would find a table that is a step up from this equipment, and build your upgraded system around the TT. Just a thought.
It sounds like you want to get back in with the least fuss. A turntable/arm combo with dealer-installed cartridge is your best option in that case. At that budget, you may want to commit to MM carts, many of which are as good as anyone really can ask for. Ortofon and Nagaoka have a nice range that allows you to move up as finances permit. They work fine on modern,relatively low cost "medium compliance-friendly" arms like the REGA 202/303. Used Bottlehead Seduction phono stages come up for sale pretty regularly at under $300 or so and are very good. Other MM stages of similar or lower cost are out there, though I've not owned or heard them.