Connecting the ground wire makes music less lively

Lately for some strange reason I heard hum from my TT setup. When I connected the tonearm ground wire to the phono the hum was gone. Thats the good news. The bad news is, when I heard the music with the ground wire connected, it sounded less lively, less palpable. Some vitality was taken away. When I remove the ground wire the life in the music is again back, just that the background hum is audible during silent passages (thats irritating). Has anyone else heard this effect ? Is there a solution to this problem ?

My phono stage is very heavy and can't be moved around. I have to say this problem is quite disturbing because either way there seem to be a serious compromise which is not really the fault of the components.
What exactly does it mean by ground the Garrard motor ? Please advise since I am a total novice at DIY.
do you have 3 wires on the Garrard power cord? Means is there ground wire attached at the motor bracket ? if not try to use separate wire to ground it there...
The Garrard motor has only two wired terminals. But my upgraded pc has 3 wires. The ground wire is just left taped and loose on the motor end. Should I connect this ground wire to some area on the motor ?
Congrats on your Garrard. Phono hum is a nasty. I have been pretty unsuccessful in removing mine. Hope you have better luck. Do share your experience.
Hi Pradeep,
You are using a SUT with a low gain MM stage, that should not cause a hum IMO. In my system when I use a lower gain stage the hum is gone. The hum is only there when I use the highest gain on the phono. Unfortunately my MC cart needs the highest gain so I have no choice.

Do you hear the hum with both your turntables ?