Windfield Cartridge

Anyone have a viewpoint on this one?
Do you refer to the Ortofon of that name?
If so, I own an MC7500, father to the Windfield which is father to the A90 which is father to the Anna (or maybe I missed one in this lineage). The MC7500 is a very neutral cartridge that I like very much.
Stringreen, not sure what you specifically want to know, the Winfeld is a
very musical, detailed and natural at the same time. Certainly among
Ortofon's best and one of the top modern cartrigdes. It's also relatively
affordable for a highend cartridge by today's standards.

I realize that writing here might look like a sales pitch, but that's the truth
about the Winfeld.


Disclaimer- Ortofon dealer
Thanks Dkarmeli......VPI recommended this cartridge to me (I now have a Benz LPS which I've had for awhile and am looking for a replacement). I have been looking at an Atlas or Etna, but VPI said in the real world this Ortofon is a great cartridge.