Buying a used cartridge...tell us your tale.

Personally, I have a VERY BIG reticence to buying a used cartridge. The amount of use or damage to the stylus and/or other working parts would seem to me to be a large unknown. Since just one play of a damaged stylus will result in damage to your records, I have always shun away from any used cartridge purchase.
OTOH, I'm sure many have been successful in buying a used cartridge and then again...there are those that have NOT:(.
I would be interested in hearing the tales...the good, the bad and the ugly
I bought a Benz LP that was described by the seller as "nearly new, not even fully broken in." I was skeptical but it turned out to be 100% true. From the other side of the table, I can vouch for the several used cartridges I have sold. They were each accurately described. So I agree that there are risks, probably more so than with other components, but with a reputable seller I would not hesitate to buy used again.
The other issue that seems to be overlooked is the aging of the cartridge suspension. These components may even wear out prior to the stylus and are IME very hard to determine by a general eyeball inspection.

The question then becomes as to whether the used cartridge is performing up to spec and what the overall loss of information and distortion is due to suspension age?
Only tried it once (other than inexpensive MM's costing $200 or less). It was my first venture into LOMC's. The entry price seemed steep so I decided to risk buying used (understanding that there was a risk).

Got a $2K cartridge for $900. On arrival, I noticed that the cantilever was angled well off center and the stylus was twisted a few degrees off vertical.

It sounded great, but it was my first LOMC, so what did I know? I was a newbie and had neither the equipment nor the ears to know better.

With the experience and gear I have now, I wouldn't try it again unless I knew and trusted the seller.
Buying a used AT-ML170 was the best analog move I've ever done.
Second best, buying a used DV 10xGoldL.
Two reference carts that will blow away carts costing $$$$$ more.
Risky yes....but so stupid good!!!!!!!
Probably 8 out of my last 12 cartridges have been new. But the 4 I bought "pre-owned" have all been winners. I do think it is risky, but the risk discount can make it worthwhile. The more you know about the seller, the better. I generally trust more those who post frequently and have described the items they're selling in previous system descriptions or forum posts. Still, I go into every transaction expecting that I'll get burned. It's a pleasant surprise when everything is perfect, especially with vintage cartridges!