Skeletal vs Plinth style turntables

I am pondering a new plinth design and am considering the virtues of making a skeletal or closed plinth design. The motor unit is direct drive. I know that as a direct drive it inherently has very low vibration as opposed to an idler deck (please do not outcry Garrard and Lenco onwners coz I have one of those too) but simple facts are facts belt drive motors spin at 250rpm, Lencos around 1500 rpm, DD 33 or 45 rpm. That being the case that must surely be a factor in this issue. What are your thoughts. BTW I like closed designs as they prevent the gathering of dust.
This is a tad unfair given that you don't know what I do do, and what else I have built and fiddled with.

Hi Parrotbee
I didn't mean yourself when I said.
I used to say to myself ...hmmmm looks like a hole / space there. Wonder what would happen if I filled it ? When an audiophile based on theory alone, said don't do that, its not right because of xxxxxxx, but showed no real direct experience with it himself...... ..Hell..the more reason to go and do it.

I didn't even know of you up until last week ? Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to others in past dealings on this forum - like some of the debates on the Copernican thread.

It think it really goes back to my poker game analogy and cards showing. We would all benefit imo in knowing more about yourself/experiences being the OP but its your choice obviously.

fwiw -
My cards are all showing. In fact if you have read the ET2 thread and my system thread you probably know some things about me that my wife doesn't even know.

The strangest/worst thing one can do is fill up a plinth with some type of permanent resin, and then be unable to remove it, or indeed sell the component due to the over-enthusiastic 'intervention/innovation'

I agree and Blue tac(k) is reversible. In fact I can if I wanted take down the SP10 in its current config and set it up in a full plinth in one day. I have been searching for pictures of the different stages of plinth build I did. But they were taken with my old Blackberry (fwiw - A POS Canadian company that I lost money on -sorry for the rant). If they show up on a hard drive somewhere will post them. this thread brings back a lot of ANALogue memories.

Personally am intrigued over your moniker. I think it is really cool. Does it have meaning behind it ?

02-10-15: Timeltel
---Just an enthusiasts' mutterings amidst the opinions of

Hi Timeltel (professor) - I am a music lover / part time
audiophile. If I have a question regarding cartridges, your
posted opinions are the ones I look for. You are a
cartridge expert in my view. Please excuse my grammar in
this morning's post :^(
I just love Parrots and Bees - nothing too sophisticated about that.
When I use my real name I have always had some bizarre report from Hong Kong telling me about starving children needing $1000 usd in 24 hours to a foreign bank account.
Sorry for taking offence in the earlier post.
I am also fiddling around with some cheaper DD's so I may experiment with other plinth materials - who knows - I only have so much time on my hands to potter around like a maniac
Cool - I like parrots, and try to avoid bees, but understand their importance on earth.
I remember going at it pretty good with Dertonarm on that Copernican thread.
He made no sense to me at all. No sense of humor at all, and he was always arguing against armpods.
Then I discovered his own Apolyt table used armpods.

Henry, I'd insert some emoticons here showing utter amazement, but alas my Lenovo Windows 7 laptop is incapable of doing this. :^(
Then I discovered his own Apolyt table used armpods.
LOL Chris...😃
Audiophiles are just funny (strange) people.....
Even rational university-educated audiophiles can make claims and statements without submitting one shred of corroborative evidence.....
And the sad thing is....these statements (or really beliefs)...are often accepted by the masses and treated with the same gravity as solid evidence-based science...😥
Take for instance Richardkrebs who the Professor (Timeltel) humourously taunts...
Now I like reading Richard's contributions here and he has undeniably made contributions to the turntable playback system (particularly in regards to Technics SP10 DD decks)....but
1) Perfect DYNAMIC speed stability. No drive system meets this and passing the (in)famous timeline test is zero guarantee of dynamic speed accuracy, only average speed accuracy.
here we have an educated, trained professional stating that a repeatable and accurate scientific test should be ignored because it does not tell us what occurs BETWEEN every record revolution....
All manner of inexplicable and unimaginable oscillations could be occurring BEFORE the laser flash of the Timeline hits the exact same mark EVERY revolution...👿
But Richard need not provide any evidence himself of such malicious oscillations....
The fact that he can IMAGINE them is good enough to spread doubt and discredit the only scientific device which was able to prove conclusively that Stylus Drag was a fact..👀
Emboldened by the audiophile armour of theoretical hypothesising....
If this heavily modulated force is sufficient to slow a weighty platter of considerable inertia, would it not also be able to "tilt" a free standing pod even, if it is substantial?
He forgets that the very device which he disparages (yet which proves the existence of Stylus Drag) also the device which answers conclusively his unsupported questioning of the free-standing pod....for if there were any movement in the pod itself or the tonearm (as the Professor rightly reminds us)....the Timeline laser would unmask it mercilessly...😜
And so for once...justice is done...👍