This is a tad unfair given that you don't know what I do do, and what else I have built and fiddled with.
Hi Parrotbee
I didn't mean yourself when I said.
I used to say to myself ...hmmmm looks like a hole / space there. Wonder what would happen if I filled it ? When an audiophile based on theory alone, said don't do that, its not right because of xxxxxxx, but showed no real direct experience with it himself...... ..Hell..the more reason to go and do it.
I didn't even know of you up until last week ? Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to others in past dealings on this forum - like some of the debates on the Copernican thread.
It think it really goes back to my poker game analogy and cards showing. We would all benefit imo in knowing more about yourself/experiences being the OP but its your choice obviously.
fwiw -
My cards are all showing. In fact if you have read the ET2 thread and my system thread you probably know some things about me that my wife doesn't even know.
The strangest/worst thing one can do is fill up a plinth with some type of permanent resin, and then be unable to remove it, or indeed sell the component due to the over-enthusiastic 'intervention/innovation'
I agree and Blue tac(k) is reversible. In fact I can if I wanted take down the SP10 in its current config and set it up in a full plinth in one day. I have been searching for pictures of the different stages of plinth build I did. But they were taken with my old Blackberry (fwiw - A POS Canadian company that I lost money on -sorry for the rant). If they show up on a hard drive somewhere will post them. this thread brings back a lot of ANALogue memories.
Personally am intrigued over your moniker. I think it is really cool. Does it have meaning behind it ?