Great tracker cart $100

Second system for used 70s/80s punk, new wave, college alt, classic rock. This is more for man cave then audiophile application but still decent sound. Shure m44 series?
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For sound, the Ortofon 2M Red probably has the edge, but IME, for tracking, the Shure M97xE with the damping brush deployed (i.e., in the down position) will track almost anything, including poorly stored hideously warped records from thrift shops or your garage. I have hundreds of thrift shop records, and back when used Beatles records were typically fetching $15/disk, I got a double-disk Beatles album (Love Songs) for $1 because both records had a deep "dish" warp, making them nearly unplayable. But when I put on the Shure and flipped down the brush, it tracked right through with no drama. The only other way I could play this record was when I added KAB's fluid damper to my Technics SL1210.

As was previously stated, you can elevate the performance with the aftermarket JICO stylus, which also includes the damping brush.

Similarly you can upgrade a 2M Red to a 2M Blue by replacing the "Red" bonded stylus with a "Blue" nude stylus.
I've tried budget AT carts but they can be extremely...for tracking/ soundstage depth who is the winner?