There are two schools of thought with regard to the endpoint of azimuth adjustment. One says to go for the least amount of crosstalk, in which case I have found over many years (using the Signet Cartridge Analyzer which reads out in "db") that the amount of crosstalk will not be equal in both channels. The other says to go for equal amounts of crosstalk in both channels, even if in doing so you have to sacrifice the absolute best values for crosstalk, which is nearly always the case. There is no right or wrong in choosing either endpoint.
I presume the Foz reads crosstalk at 1kHz. Yes? If so, what do the numbers "17" and "19" mean? If the readout is in db, then it is usually a negative number indicating the level of crosstalk below 0 db, when the channel being measured is set to 0 db. In that case, one typically sees better than -20db at 1kHz (meaning a number more negative than -20).
I presume the Foz reads crosstalk at 1kHz. Yes? If so, what do the numbers "17" and "19" mean? If the readout is in db, then it is usually a negative number indicating the level of crosstalk below 0 db, when the channel being measured is set to 0 db. In that case, one typically sees better than -20db at 1kHz (meaning a number more negative than -20).