Import/rip audio cd's thru Winamp?

Hello to All,

I am new in computer audio.
I want import/audio cd's in flac files thru winamp.
I am looking for your guide and procedures to be followed.
Highly appreciated your step by step the instruction.

-Whether free version of winamp can allow to download in flac files?
-How to import hi res/dvd/sacd in flac files thru winamp?
-How to set the sound card in notebook while import/rip the music files/cd's?

Is there any other software available to import c'd's in flac as simplest way?

Thanks in advance.

I would recommend using dbpoweramp instead of EAC. Easier to use and the quality is just as good as EAC.

Here is a guide to help set up EAC.

Here is a guide for dbpoweramp


EAC is freeware.... Is dbPoweramp???

I thought waht I saw said it was a subscription based software, if both a liscense and continued updates were desired thereafter.
Yes, you're right. It is not freeware, but well worth the money if you plan on ripping a large collection. You can try it free for 21 days and make your own assessment.

Rabbani asked for other options besides the free version of Winamp and I thought dbpoweramp would be worth mentioning.
My link was incomplete. Here is the link for the EAC guide


It does pay to have the imported music imported as best it can be for premium playback later on... it sets the entire stage for the process.

It also pays to try out a few media players too. As well as various file formats.

I noted these and other aspects in my aforementioned review with some links to them as well.