Herron M1-1A monobocks, what do you think?

Hi, I am trying to get a feel for and as much information as possible about these amps. Any users, regardless of complete Herron systems or not. I own a VTSP3A preamp and VTPH2 phono.
Also, break-in time required, and other particularities.

Thank you.
I am a fan of Herron audio for a few reasons. Keith's products sound excellent, are well built, can be upgraded for a nominal fee and Keith is just a great guy to work with. I have upgrade my original M150 amps to the M1A. Is there better equipment out there?....I'm sure there is but I have quit chasing the promise of better sound and instead just listen to music. I have had good success with using roller block juniors under the VTSP-3r02 pre amp and will probably go that route with the amps.
Why is this posted under Analog? It is an interesting post and I have great respect for Herron products so my question goes to Audiogon, not the post content.
"Herron M1-1A monobocks, what do you think?"

I think you are in the wrong forum, that's what I think.

Thanks for your deep thoughts Shakey. I didn't have a choice in picking the category when I posted the question.
I'll make sure to check with you in the future before asking the community for help or initiating any future threads.
Why yes you DO have a choice as to what forum your post appears in. I would suggest you pay more attention.

Step 1 = "start a new thread"

Step 2 = "pick a category"

It is precisely at step 2 that your train went off the tracks.
